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2022-2025 Strategic Plan

The Oakland Fund for Children and Youth develops a strategic investment plan every three years with the input of children, youth, parents, and service providers. Starting in late 2020, OFCY began working on a plan for investments in fiscal year 2022-2025, with the goal of having a plan developed and approved by Oakland City Council in Fall 2021, and for a new Request for Proposals (RFP) based on the plan to come out in late 2021 for programming to start July 1, 2022.

Here is the OFCY Strategic Investment Plan for 2022-2025:

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The Strategic Investment Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2025 (July 1 2022 through June 30 2025) was adopted by the Planning and Oversight Committee (POC) in October 2021. It identifies target populations to be served, objectives, strategies, evaluation measures, and funding allocations, and is a requirement specified in the Oakland City Charter.

The plan follows steps outlined in the City of Oakland’s Racial Equity Implementation Guide.

Efforts began with a presentation and training by the Department of Race & Equity's Director Darlene Flynn on centering racial equity at the heart of the planning process at their December 2020 meeting. The work continued in January and February 2021 with POC revision to OFCY's Vision and Mission statements, establishing Guiding Principles, and forming an ad hoc Strategic Planning subcommittee to provide leadership to the work. 


2021 Community Needs Assessment Report

Please click the image below to read OFCY's Community Needs Assessment and Racial Equity Analysis report. This report provides a summation of key data and indicators related to children and youth in Oakland and community input to help guide the development of strategies for 2022-2025.

Community Engagement 

  • The community engagement work continued in April with two community forums and a community survey. A Community Needs Assessment/ Racial Equity Analysis report was prepared and presented to the Planning and Oversight Committee in May. A copy of the report is available here: Community Needs Assessment/ Racial Equity Analysis Report
  • In June, OFCY hosted a town-hall event for community members from East Oakland and West Oakland to provide input into OFCY's draft strategies. 
  • The final Strategic Investment Plan was approved October 2021. 

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