Every year, OFCY works with an independent consultant to provide a third-party evaluation of OFCY's funding investments in the community.
Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) provides evaluation services for all OFCY funded strategies and programs. Founded in 1991, SPR is a nationally recognized research, evaluation, and technical assistance firm located in Oakland, California.
SPR works each year to develop and improve the evaluation framework, to best capture the story of what programs are doing and accomplishing with City of Oakland funding via OFCY in support of children and youth. OFCY and SPR engaged programs and key staff around the evaluation design, results-based accountability, and input to revise client surveys. This work resulted in revising logic models to map out OFCY's investment and expectations within each of the nine funding strategies. Click here to review these models.
Click below for more information:
2021-2022 Evaluation Report
2020-2021 Evaluation Report
2019-2020 Evaluation Report
Evaluation Surveys